Effective Date: 06/10/2023

At Simoro Timtrans SRL, we are committed to providing high-quality professional training and employment services. We understand that circumstances may vary, and we aim to address your concerns and provide clear guidance on refunds. Please carefully read this policy.

  1. Refund of the Work Permit Deposit

A. For Clients: If there is any reason that prevents us from obtaining a work permit for you as part of our employment services, you have the right to recover and refund the value of the invoice for the low-price deposit from the employment contract.

B. For Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs who have signed a contract for employee registration do not have the right to cancel the registration request after signing the contract. Please review all terms and conditions before completing the registration.

  1. General Refund Terms

A. You must notify us in writing of the refund request due to the inability to obtain a work permit within [15] days of receiving the notification regarding the work permit status.

B. You will be required to provide all necessary documents and evidence to support the refund request.

C. Refunds for work permits will be processed individually in accordance with our general refund policy.

D. We strive to process your refund request as quickly as possible.

At Simoro Timtrans SRL, we are committed to providing a transparent and efficient refund process. If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

Email: legalteam@simorotimtranssrl.com

SIMORO TIMTRANS SRL - Your Partner in Professional Training and Employment Services"